
Academy address
OMC Sv. Florián (1st Floor) Růžová 41
37701 Jindřichův Hradec
Czech Republic
There are two parking spaces available for paying guests, within walking distance.
Parking Růžová street (small capacity)
GPS: 49°8'57.775''N, 14°59'52.963''E
½ hod 5,00 Kč/1hod 10,00 Kč during:
Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00, Sa 07:00-12:00
Except for the specified period free of charge
Parking Winter stadium (large capacity)
GPS: 49°8'49.500''N, 15°0'20.320''E
½ hod 5,00 Kč/1hod 10,00 Kč during:
Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00, Sa 07:00-12:00
Except for the specified period free of charge